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string                   Declares a Character String (Array of Char)     [TP]

   <tname> = string[<maxlen>];

   <vname> : string[<maxlen>];

    Standard Pascal does not have a predefined string data type, but Turbo
    Pascal does. The underlying type is equivalent to:

         array[0..<maxlen>] of Char;

    Location [0] holds the current length of the string, while the string
    itself is stored in locations [1..<maxlen>]. An entire set of
    procedures and functions for string manipulation is available.

            <tname>   name of data type being defined.

            <vname>   name of variable being declared.

           <maxlen>   Integer constant; sets maximum possible length of
                      the string. Must be in range 1..255.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           type NameStr = string[20];
                BigStr  = string[255];

           var  Name    : NameStr;  { or Name : string[20]; }
                Grade   : string[2];

See Also: array strings
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